Monday, August 10, 2015

Return Of The Texas South East Railroad

A talented East Texas modeler named Len Turner used to post about his model railroad on the now-gone Whistle Post forum, as well as on Big Blue (which I've given up on for various reasons). But several years ago, he moved and dismantled his railroad. I used to revisit his old blog now and then just to look at the pictures of his models, which were (and are) mostly Accurail and Bachmann, very creatively posed and photographed. But then he deleted the blog and some Youtube videos he made, a loss!

Last month he started a new blog, saying he missed the hobby and is building a new, although smaller, layout. He's put some of his photos back up, too. I e-mailed him, happy he's back but a little sad that the steam on his old layout is gone. He says maybe that will be back, too.

1 comment:

  1. This seems to be a good blog to follow John. Thanks for publicizing it.
