Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Rewiring -- CP CONN

I've always been interested in signals. My basic concept for my present layout, including the part that was started in the 1980s, was to emulate CTC control points. The way I've gone about it has changed over the years.

The current rewiring project has had its effect. DCC will allow simplification and may eventually let me hook things up to a computerized panel. Once I began to get an idea of how much wire it would take to do something like the CTC panels you read about in the model press and on the web, I realized this wasn't doable for a single builder like me.

However, I eventually worked out a way to put detector and relay panels under the benchwork. This is the one at CP CONN almost exactly three years ago:

These are analog relays and detectors cobbled together with Radio Shack components. the wiring was just being started here, but eventually I got stumped. here's the project as it is after I restarted it today:

The wiring will be neater when the DCC bus replaces the green and yellow color coded block wiring. This and some additional hardware will control this BLMA gantry at CP CONN:

The gantry is temporarily propped up. Logic Rail Technologies has come up with hardware that can control this, used along with some of the detectors and relays shown above.

Those shown are from Dallee Electronics. My oldest are almost 30 years old. I discover I can use them with JMRI computer panels with an interface.

1 comment:

  1. An ambitious undertaking John! Good luck and don't get tangled up.;-)
