Sunday, June 16, 2024

Model Engineering Works Die Cast Caboose From The 1950s

Many years ago I found a small logging caboose of die cast zinc alloy at a hobby shop. I gradually converted it to use Kadees and shimmed up the trucks to get the couplers in line.
A web search brings up a reference to a Model Engineering Works ad for this car from 1953. It has a prototype that ran on the Grasse River Railroad in upstate New York.
After I painted it, I found I had to do more work, including drilling out the truck screw holes in the bolsters to handle 2-56 screws and tap, which led to some dings in the paint. I still have to do more work adjusting the play in the truck screws so that it stays on the track reliably. Then I'll touch up the paint and add lettering. But the phtos suggest it didn't have glass in the windows.

I vaguely recall seeing a photo of one of these on John Allen's G&D, but I haven't been able to find anything in the photos I've found on the web. It's entirely possible that nobody ever got these to run well.

1 comment:

  1. I've spotted John Allen's version at many points on the G&D system, so I suspect he did run it. How well it ran? Anyone's guess. Yours looks good. I've always thought of it as a bit of an ugly duckling, preferring a Silver Streak (4 wheel or two truck) or Mantua bobber instead, but the MEW car has a certain appeal.
