Sunday, March 10, 2019

PCCM 59L Part 2

This is the second, and last, (for this phase of the session) movement on the LF&NW for Move 59, but the inbound traffic will be covered next weekend.

As we get more experience with these virtual moves, I'm realizing that the locations where other layouts interchange with the LF&NW are problematic. If the NYC sends cars to Zenith, since Zenith is definitely in the eastern half of the US (the city was named by the novelist Sinclair Lewis, who actually placed it somewhere between Pittsburgh and Detroit), it wouldn't be very logical to send cars all the way to California. On the other hand, the Ralston Creek Railroad in the Denver area might much more logically interchange in the western US with a western railroad. So I'm still trying to noggin this one out, and other guys may have ideas here, too.

So here are the California cars headed east. The Masonite car is seen on the Northwestern Pacific headed to the LF&NW, which will send it on to the NYC:

The WP Bulk Sugar car is being picked up at the American Sugar Refining Company plant in Betteravia:
Now we come to the problem of the California interchange at Bay City. As you can see from the Italian boxcar to the left of the SP switcher, interchange here takes place with a number of other railroads. Maybe I need to rename this point Reiden Lake.
I still have to do more thinking on how I'm going to interchange with different conceptual layouts in different areas, considering my own layout does conceptual changes in region all on its own!

1 comment:

  1. To: LF&NW / West Mill / Rock Ridge / Elkhart
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge LF&NW receiving Masonite All Door boxcar to be forwarded to the NYC.
    Acknowledge geographical challenges of LF&NW layout.

    Terminal Yard out...

    The scenes, motive power and rolling stock in this post were fantastic!! Well done!!!

    We'll have to work on how to maximize your layout into the virtual ops. With scenes like these we'll need to see them all as often as possible. Nice work!!
