Sunday, October 6, 2019

More Little Hell Gate Progress

I got around to testing the electrical connections on the Little Hell Gate module. Here you can see trains operating on both tracks from the main layout:
You can also see that I've completed and test fit the basic pylons for the Gustav Lindenthal portals, made from 1/32 sheet basswood. More work on these will proceed this coming week. I will also be adding Kato catenary bridges to the viaduct a la the prototype.

I added labels for the DPDT switch on the fascia to indicate the positions that control whether the T-Trak wiring is BWBW (my home preference) or BWWB (T-Trak standard for meets). The center off also removes any electrical connection between the two tracks.

Below, the corner module is connected between the main layout and the Springfield Amtrak station module, showing that all electrical connections are functioning as they should:
You can also see that I built an N scale Joe's Pizza to match the HO version I built in last week's post. These low relief buildings with paper images are very inexpensive and movable temporary stand-ins until I can add better detailed, more permanent structures.

All electrical connections, including building and scenery lighting, run off the DCC bus and travel via the Unijoiners that connect the Unitrack between modules, making a layout built this way easy to reconfigure. I have another module under construction that represents the Richmond Main Street station that can simply be swapped out for the Springfield station module.