Sunday, September 29, 2019

Two Projects

I discovered an HO size building front on the web that pretty clearly suggested it was to be cut out and mounted in some suitable way. (Click on the image for a full size version.)
I printed this out on regular printer paper, made up a box from foam core to fit the dimensions, and glued the image to the box with diluted Elmer's glue. I gave the sides and top a wash of craft paint, but I can add brick paper from several possible sources to the sides if I decide I need to:
This was a quick and simple project that I can move around to various spots on the layout to decide which one suits me best.
The building in the background is from the now defunct King Mill. I'm always looking for equivalent possibilities.

I also began serious work on the portals for my Little Hell Gate T-Trak corner module. I'm using 1/32 basswood sheet braced with used fireplace matches:

I had to do a lot of research to find out if there were doors in the portals at track level. This detail from a larger photo shows that there were:
However, more recent YouTube images show that they're pretty heavily tagged over.


  1. Nice job on the Joe's Pizza of the Village! I looked it up in the yellow pages and it's listed with address and same phone #

    Good luck with the Hell Gate Portals!

  2. Pretty building and very creative on your part.
