Sunday, February 2, 2020

Back To City Details

Not long ago, my wife gave me a birthday present of a Classic Metal Works Woolworth truck, which I finally got around to posing in front of the Woolworth store on my layout:
The Woolworth marquee was offered very briefly by Bar Mills. Apparently I was very lucky in getting it to go together correctly, as it was pretty tough to assemble -- it was printed on some kind of vinyl that you had to bend over a mandrel and hope it stuck in place. I'm glad I got it, especially now that I have the Woolworth truck to go with it. The Trailways bus was an offering by someplace called the Truck and Coach Division.

I've been doing some work on buildings in this area and discovered they had lighting that I apparently installed, but never quite finished the project. So I need to revisit this and also do some more detail work here. My wife gave me a Preiser Christmas tree sale lot for Christmas, and I think I can fit it into the foreground area here. But also, I need to finish installing a trolley-interurban track into the corner as well. So maybe there's going to be a resumption of city detail work in Zenith.


  1. Ahhh! Woolworth's! I worked for then many years in their flagship NYC store. It was one of 3 that were their premier stores in the US. Sa Francisco and Boston were the other two. July 2018 I was in St. Augustine, FL and we passed an art store that was housed in an old Woolworth store. How did I know? The doors still had the F. W. Woolworth door handles on them!

    Thanks for the memories!

  2. That is a great looking scene!!!! My old sector had a former Woolworths on Pitkin Ave in Brooklyn with a burnt out boarded up second floor. I much prefer your version! The vehicles are really nice as well. Your wife has good model railroad giving skills!
