Monday, May 6, 2019

Richmond Main Street Station T-Trak Update 2

The process of roughing out the basic station with Foamcore is continuing. I've completed the basic framework for the train shed:
Fairly detailed drawings of the train shed (but not the headhouse) are available on the web as part of the Historic American Buildings Survey, so the dimensions of the train shed are from these drawings, and I can have pretty good confidence that the shed, or the piece of it in the model, is close to N scale.

I had to eyeball some of the dimensions for the headhouse, although the floor plan dimensions from a different source match the dimensions in the drawings of the shed. The fully roughed out headhouse is off by a few scale feet here and there, but the discrepancies are within the range I would tolerate with a commercial product. (A laser cut type kit for this structure would be hundreds of dollars. Total cost to date for this project is about $15.00)

However, the drawings are as-built. As restored, there are no tracks inside the shed, which is used only as an event space by the city. Thus all I'll model will be the exterior, mostly the roof.

I'll add the basic roof from 1/32 basswood sheet. As you can see, I'm starting to find and add "wallpaper" to begin detailing the sides of the headhouse. The next step will be to use red tile texture for the basic headhouse roof.


  1. Coming along and looking good. Is the shed going to be added as well?

    1. The shed framework is the triangular shapes in the foreground.
